Closing of the Week!
Closing of the Week! Loan Amount: $5,050,000.00 Location: GA The Story: This deal was referred to me by the realtors, a roughly $7.2 Million dollar purchase. Like most deals...

I Spy… With My Little Eye
In an understanding that travel may be from the other side of the world, or the other side of a plant leaf, I begin... I spy, with my little eye… something of… ...

Passwords; Strong, Made Easy
Strong, Easy Passwords In many of the websites I build and maintain, I’m lately observing that hack violations are getting more frequent, and more sophisticated. A good secure...

What makes business successful? –A thought and a theory.
If you've not read this previous blog entry, I highly recommend it. And I assure you, with that post and this, it will be worth your while. I have long questioned what makes some...

Controversial advertising: Good idea? Bad idea?
There's no argument that the attached ad has gone viral. The question I ask is simply, do you think this particular ad is a good idea? In this generation we rush, unrestrained,...

Value: What makes toast worth $4?
There are multiple reasons for this latest San Francisco craze. "Tip of the hipster spear" is one; the large amount of money floating around Silicon Valley, is another. But, in...

Storytelling as an Art in Business.
There is genius in this link. And on some level, I had already begun to suspect this. Why is it that, as relaxation of choice, I will enjoy sitting and watching a movie--even if...

An Important Read: For everyone using WordPress as blog or website vehicle:
This is a significant message for anyone using WordPress as either a blog, or as website vehicle: For your sake -- indeed, for everyone's sake -- it's essential to tighten the...
Is Gold Being Manipulated?
Gold, as a commodity, is one of the world's oldest standards of value. Values rise and fall; however one of the most compelling arguments right now, is whether or not its price...
Sales: Increasing Interpersonal Effectiveness and Closing Ratio
I’ve long said that “sales” is really only helping people find what they’re looking for. But usually, people have different personality types that dictate how they prefer the...

Annual Performance Reviews Are Morale Killers
An interesting perspective is probed in the article below: the concept that annual performance reviews may be detrimental to a company. This annual walk-on-coals may actually do...

Either, either, neither, neither; let’s call the whole thing off.
Just for fun: If you are interested in linguistics and dialects, as in that 1937 Gershwin tune, you may like this article: It's written by a Harvard professor, Bert Vaux (and...