Controversial advertising: Good idea? Bad idea?

Controversial advertising: Good idea? Bad idea?

There’s no argument that the attached ad has gone viral. The question I ask is simply, do you think this particular ad is a good idea? In this generation we rush, unrestrained, into the pursuit of “attention”. But does attention–even worldwide...
Value: What makes toast worth $4?

Value: What makes toast worth $4?

There are multiple reasons for this latest San Francisco craze. “Tip of the hipster spear” is one; the large amount of money floating around Silicon Valley, is another. But, in an interesting article, linked below, the origin of this is traced to a single...
Storytelling as an Art in Business.

Storytelling as an Art in Business.

There is genius in this link. And on some level, I had already begun to suspect this. Why is it that, as relaxation of choice, I will enjoy sitting and watching a movie–even if it’s for the fourth time? It’s the enjoyment of story. We are drawn to...
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