Nulla tempus sollicitudin dui, ut vehicula lacus porta vel duis urna ligula luctus at feugiat a lacinia ut sem.
Is Gold Being Manipulated?
Gold, as a commodity, is one of the world's oldest standards of value. Values rise and fall; however one of the most compelling arguments right now, is whether or not its price is being manipulated -- in a downward way. I've read a number of articles over the recent...
Sales: Increasing Interpersonal Effectiveness and Closing Ratio
I’ve long said that “sales” is really only helping people find what they’re looking for. But usually, people have different personality types that dictate how they prefer the transaction: Some, for example, prefer quick; and others more methodical. But importantly,...
Annual Performance Reviews Are Morale Killers
An interesting perspective is probed in the article below: the concept that annual performance reviews may be detrimental to a company. This annual walk-on-coals may actually do more to kill productivity and morale, than it brings to the company in review benefit....
Either, either, neither, neither; let’s call the whole thing off.
Just for fun: If you are interested in linguistics and dialects, as in that 1937 Gershwin tune, you may like this article: It's written by a Harvard professor, Bert Vaux (and former student, now at MIT), who has studied and mapped dialects in various geographic areas...
Solving the problem right requires a right understanding of the problem.
For those who track the Consulting area of this blog, this is another article addressing good management. I love the quote at the article outset from Einstein: laying out the priorities that understanding a problem correctly is foundational to solving it correctly....
Republicans and Democrats neurologically process differently.
The attached article is fascinating. It turns out that, with a very high degree of correlation, our brains process very differently as Democrats or Republicans. Very different behavioral brain areas are used. In my own description, Democrats predominantly use...
QE2, Will it work?
QE2 The recent Fed decision to implement Quantitative Easing 2 (QE2) is controversial. The obvious question is, Will it work? Issues concerning national and global economies are complex, I make no bones about that. The hardest course I ever took as an Economics major...
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