Let’s begin the process:
All our initial consultation services are for free. If, after evaluation, we believe we can’t offer anything of additional value to you—if you’re already doing everything wonderfully well—we will tell you. Since the first evaluation and consultation is free, you have nothing to lose; and will very likely find some very quick benefit. After our first meeting, we will propose what we feel that we have of value to you, and associated fees, should you choose to continue.
Let’s begin then with the following information form about your business or organization. This will give us some good foundation for engagement. We believe that simply by filling out this out, you will come away with some better ideas and strategy for your business. It’s our gift to you. Click the button below to download the form.
And then, simply print or email that completed form to us, with good contact information and times to call.
General Contact:
If you’d simply like to ask some additional questions, we’ve provided several ways to contact us. To email us, simply fill out the form below, and hit Submit. This will get to us immediately.
For phone or mailing contact, our address and phone number is at the bottom of the form.
Thirdly, for more immediate answers, we also have a live chat ability at this site, shown with the following icon at the bottom of every page. We don’t monitor Live Chat at all times, but if we are online, you’ll see a message indicating that; and if so, we’d love to chat with you. Simply click the We’re Online button.